
What the f...! Cell Phone Etiquette

I know I am not alone in this . . .

Look, I like the convenience of cell phones, we all do. It's great being able to communicate with others during the dead times we all experience; the times waiting on line at the bank, driving to work, stuck in traffic, or even just looking through movies at the video store. They are a great time saver. They also allow us to get information in a timely manner; "What do you need from the store, I'm there right now. . ." , or "I just stepped out of a meeting, can you get the price of the McGovern job for me?", kind of stuff.

But you know what . . . there is a time and place for discussing the intimate details of your life. Or even the rather mundane events in your life.

I'm pretty sure it's not in the crowded Ft. Lauderdale terminal while chowing down your airport pizza.

I don't have a problem with people making calls from public places. I do have a problem when they talk in such a manner as to intrude on everyone else's peace and quiet. People, if you are going to speak loudly on your cell phone, remove yourself to a less crowded area. I don't personally care about your colonoscopy results, and I certainly don't want to hear you discuss your boss' extramarital affairs with coworkers at 7 AM in the Dunkin' Donuts.

I also don't want to hear about your personal financial affairs while waiting for a plane, which brings me to this most recent event, and a question of etiquette.

We are at the gate in Ft. Lauderdale waiting for the plane back to Philly, and a young guy, business suit, briefcase and a mini pizza sidles up to a desk kind of seat in the corner of the gate. The spot is at the window along a wall so that the effect is that of a small ampitheatre. He is using an ear piece on his cell as he faces directly toward the window, meaning that nothing is blocking his voice, and he speaks in an elevated tone, as if trying to add power to the signal. It seems he has some questions about the disposition of some payment he made and is calling to speak to a contact at the firm he is dealing with. The problem is that the contact is in a meeting.

So he leaves his cell phone number for a callback.

Here's the question.

Is it out of line to crank call this guy from the airport payphone?


Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

OMG, I completely feel you here. My favorite is when I'm in the bathroom minding my own and taking care of business when some guy walks in talking on his cell and proceeds to relieve himself (#1 and/or #2) and still keeps up with the conversation!

What is up with that????

Wed Dec 21, 04:12:00 PM 2005  
Blogger (jim) Bo Ba Log said...


I don't even like it when people talk to me when I IN the can.

Wed Dec 21, 08:43:00 PM 2005  

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