
Hmmmmm . . . now what?

This . . . is a random new experience. As I watch the young'uns delve deeper into cyberspace, I feel strangely out of it. As I guess my parents did when I first brought my 128k Mac into the house and logged on with MacTerminal and played my first text-based adventure game.

Maybe this happens with all parents when the family disperses . . . I feel as if I'm slowing down my pace, just as they accelerate theirs.

Still, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I feel less like I need to watch over them now. I think they will do far better than I ever dared to hope, whether that is making a fortune or making a difference. And that makes me proud. Not proud of anything I did, as by the time I came along these guys were well on their way to being adults. But I am proud that they are such . . . well its sounds corny . . . but nice people. And this is a pretty great reward for my kind of lucking into the family.

Anyway, I digress. So now, so soon after my son-in-law starts his blog, I begin one of my own. There is a story to go with this, and I'll relay here is, mostly for his benefit. I got his email announcing the launch and I went to it to see what he had to say. (He has such interesting . . . uh . . . interests, and I like that about him) I was going to post a comment to his post, and somehow ended up creating my own blog. Yes, it was a freakin' accident!! This is one of the reasons I feel so out of it. I mean . . . is this hard? Couldn't I have simply posted without creating a whole damn Blog? Life, I'll tell you. It just keeps happening, no matter what you do. But I decided that like so much of my life, I'd just go with it.

So there it is.

We'll see what happens . . . Stay Tuned!

Oh, and the title. This kind of sends me back to those Saturday serials they played for kids on TV during the 50's and 60's. Like "The Lone Ranger" or "Sky King". You know where good always won over evil. And the good guys quite literally wore white hats. I kind of wanted this blog to be that perspective, coming from a time when we thought we really could stop all the bad things in the world, just by being, well, good.


Blogger Waldie said...

awwww, shucks, bo. that be's sweet. welcome to the blogosphere! it's a pandemic!

Fri Sep 16, 01:02:00 PM 2005  

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